I am a company secretary engaged in legal compliance, secretarial matters, RBI compliances, corporate legal matters, GST matters, NBFC compliances, company incorporation etc.


My Services

Legal Compliance:

Compliance of the Companies, LLPs pertaining to the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013/ 1956, the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 & the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

Secretarial Matters:
  • Incorporation of Companies/ LLPs

  • Allotment of Securities

  • Change in the Management & Statutory Auditors

  • Striking-off

  • Drafting of various Resolutions, Maintenance of Minutes, Drafting of various Reports

  • XBRL/CIMS Compliance, Preparation and filing of E-forms at the MCA Portal, etc.

Corporate Legal Matters

Drafting of Petitions, Pleadings and Arguments, etc. in the matters like Oppression & Mismanagement, Revival of Companies, Alignment of Financial Years, Rectification of Financial Statements, Mergers & Amalgamations, Voluntary Liquidation of Companies under IBC, filing of suits under IBC on behalf of the Operational/ Financial Creditors, representing the Members before the Committee of Creditors, etc.

RBI Compliances

NBFC annual compliances like DNBS02, DNBS10 and DNBS13, CIC registration in all the four Companies Experian, Equifax, Transunion CIBIL and CRIF, and even the FINNET registration.

cs pratibha harlalka
cs pratibha harlalka


Email: cspratibhaharlalka@gmail.com

M: +91 9831382848